Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reminder for Vendors

If you would like to be a Vendor at the De Soto Farmers' Market during the 2011 season, you must have a current application on file...nope, the one from last year won't work. We need a brand spanking new one (available by emailing us at buyfreshlocal@gmail.com or by looking under the "Vendor Information" tab at the top of the page). We also need a copy of proof of insurance for the vehicle you will be bringing to the market.

Now, having this documentation in our files is great, but you'll need to let Cindy, Market Master, know which weeks you want to attend. You must contact her by noon the Friday before the date you would like to attend. You'll get a confirmation number to verify your registration, and Cindy will probably ask you what items you'll be bringing. (It's hard to put information about products we'll have at the market if no one share that information to be put on the blog.)

(We still have the restriction of a maximum of 5 artisans per Saturday, so artisans need to try to register as far in advance as possible to ensure a spot.)

On the Saturdays that you vend at the market, you must be set up and ready to go by 7:45 AM. What this means is that you need to have prices clearly marked and your vehicle needs to be moved off the lot (unless you're selling from the back of your vehicle; discuss this with Cindy as soon as you arrive because it isn't always an option).

"But, how," you may ask, "am I to know what prices to set if the vendor two stalls down is also selling tomatoes? I'll never be able to get mine sold if hers are cheaper." This is where being chatty is really helpful. Talk to each other about what you're considering for prices...BEFORE the market opens. It isn't a fail proof method of ensuring that everyones tomatoes sell, but it certainly helps. Cindy will also encourage that you do this when she gathers you up for any announcements before the market opens. Of course, it always helps to arrive early and get these things sorted out, and someone is usually there by 6:30 AM.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to call or email us. Here's the contact information one more time:
Market Email: buyfreshlocal@gmail.com
Cindy's Email: cindydvalle@gmail.com
Cindy's Cell: 636.208.3391

We hope you will join us on Saturdays. Happy Vending!

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