Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Announcing Workshops for Growers
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Apple Pie Contest Results from Autumn Days
First Crust, Hannah McAllister
First Filling, Hannah McAllister
Second Crust, Lacey Warren
Second Crust, Lacey Warren
Adult Division - Overall, Julie Ott
First Crust, Julie Ott
First Filling, Robin Warren
Second Crust, Robin Warren
Second Filling, Julie Ott
Third Crust, Jillian Lutz
Third Filling, Jillian Lutz
Senior Division, Overall, Judy Doyle
First Crust, Walter Lanham
First Filling, Judy Doyle
Second Crust, Judy Doyle
Second Filling, Walter Lanham
Third Crust, Kate Bigelow
Fourth Crust, Kate Bigelow
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Autumn Days Vendors
Judges Announced for Apple Pie Contest
Do you have your apple pie recipe at hand and planning on baking tomorrow? The Apple Pie Contest judges have been selected for the Autumn Days contest. They are:
Chuck Banks - Jefferson County Commissioner
Werner Stichling - DeSoto Mayor
Sue Weber - Retired HomeEc teacher for the DeSoto School District
All pies must be entered by 9 am and judging will take place at 9:30 am. Prizes will be awarded to first, second and third place in all categories. Thank you to St. Andrew's United Methodist Church for sponsoring this contest!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
What's going on at the Farmers Market this Saturday, October 24th?
This week's market vendors are -
Julie's Produce - cool season produce
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - baked goods and refreshing drinks
Primrose Herbs & Gifts - lye soaps
Carter's Produce - pumpkins, gourds, photos, straw and baked items
DAP's - apple butter, strawberry jam, beef jerky, dog bones, and pre-mixed baking items
United Church of Christ - Apple Butter
Barefoot Body & Soapworks - goatmilk soaps, lotions
The Lippmans - birdhouse, bird feeders, scarft, knitted hats, felted purses
Sweet Treats - cookies and other yummies
NEXT WEEKEND - Celebrate the close of the Farmers Market Season with us at Autumn Days. Don't forget to bring along your carved or painted pumpkins and apple pies to enter in our contests!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Vendors Lineup for Saturday, October 17th
Emmett Grove - lettuce, tomatoes, green beans, peppers, turnips and radishes
Joyce McCartney - "Log Cabin" Style Afghans
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - baked goods and drinks
Tom Sisco - chimes and woodsaw carvings of mushrooms and other figures
Barefoot Body & Soapworks - hand crafted soaps, including goat milk and lotions
Wood Unlimited -
United Church of Christ - homemade apple butter
Julie's Produce - tomatoes, peppers, and more fresh produce
Stuart Lippman - birdhouse, scarfs, felted purses
Don't forget to carve your pumpkin or pull out your best apple pie recipe for Autumn Days, October 31st!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Vendor Lineup for October 10th
Lalk's Berry Farm - pepper jelly
DAP's - beef jerky, dog bones, apple butter, pre-mixed baking items, strawberry jam
Stewart Lippman - bird houses, scarfs, felted purses
Julie's Produce
Carter's Produce - Pumpkins and pumpkin baked goods, gourds. straw, and fall decorations
Primrose Herbs & gifts - lye soaps, jellys
Pampering by Lisa - bath and body products and pet treats
The Bug Doctor
St. Andrew's Sarah Foremus Circle - baked goods and drinks
Wood Unlimited - Missouri Cedar wood creations - chairs, arbors and more!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Market Pictures from Oct. 3rd
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Square Dancers, pictures and produce this Saturday!
Join us the Farmers Market this Month for your fall photo - family, pets, yourself, kids! The Carters will be bringing in a wonderful fall display and offering pictures for $2. Who can beat that? Pictures will be offered every weekend, but Oct. 17th until the close of the market season.
Vendor Lineup -
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - bake sale
Primrose Herbs & Gifts - lye soaps and jelly
Pampering by Lisa - pampering yourself with bath and body products or pick up a treat for your pet
Carters Produce - pumpkins, straw, fall display, zukes, gourds, and more
Emmett Grove - produce and crafts
Wood Unlimited
Margret Pillen - pears, apple butter, sweet potatoes and baby quilts
Stewart Lippen - birdhouses, felted purses, scrafs, and hats
Big River Produce - tomatoes, green peppers, and pumpkins
Julie's Produce - beans, tomatoes, brocolli, cauliflower and more produce from her garden in the valley
2 Debbie's Crafts & More - syrups, jellies, produce, soaps and craft items
Friday, September 25, 2009
Lots of produce this Saturday, Sept. 26, 2009
Team Miller's Homestead Produce - honey, baked items, produce and craft items
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - muffins, other baked items, and lemonade
Primrose Herbs & Gifts - lye soap and orange marmalade
Pampering by Lisa - bath/body items and pet treats
Carter's Produce - zukes, cukes, pumpkins, and fall displays
Lalk's Farm - pepper jelly
Emmett Grove - tomatoes, beans, squash, radishes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and peppers
Wood Unlimited - Missouri Cedar wood creations - chairs, arbors and more!
Julie's Produce
Boy Scouts - baked items
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sept. 19th Featured Vendor
Contact info:
Email: salsadebbie@peoplepc.com
Email: detriola@aol.com
Who are you? What do you sell? How and why did you get started?
Debbie & I have been friends since jr high school in Webster Groves, we both wound out here living about 2 miles from each other. I make goat’s milk soaps & bath, balms, & salve items, do a lot of canning, make birds & butterfly houses out of gourds & wood. And Debbie makes muffins, pies, and hopes to start making goat cheese soon and produce. I got started because I would like to get this business going well so I can retire from my job and have money coming in plus I like what I make.
Debbie is also doing her stuff for the same reasons so we decided to work together.
What do you like about selling at Farmers’ Markets?
The customers & vendors who like the same things I like. Meeting the other vendors and seeing what they sell and try and get ideas on how to advertise and sell my wares better. And hoping having products that are good for people and that they like.
Vendor Lineup for Meet Me at the Market, Sept. 19th!
This Saturday's Vendor line-up:
Team Miller's Homestead Produce - baked goods, produce, soaps, plants and craft items
Joyce McCartney's - Quilts
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - baked items, lemonade, tea
The Bug Doctor - do you have a garden pest? Have it ID by the Bug Doctor.
Cici's Jewlrey
Cutie Pies - mini pies, breads, and jams
*Debbie's Crafts and More
Pampering by Me - find an item to pamper yourself or your pet
Carter's Produce - zukes, cukes, egg plant, pumpkins, decorative corn and more
The Patchwork Attic - jams and baked goods
Wood Unlimited - MO lumber used to make handcrafted chairs, tables, arbors and more!
JoAnn Blind - small bird houses
Get Healthy DeSoto
Trailnet's Bike Blender - smoothies
S&G Homemade Treats - two young ladies selling baked items
Julie's Produce - a variety of homegrown produce
Stewart Lippman - Wren, bluebird, bluejay houses along with felted purses. scrafts and more
University of Missouri Extension Cooking Demo - learn to cook with seasonal items
*This Week's Featured Vendor!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Market Vendors, Sept. 12th
Wood Unlimited - wood creations from Missouri Cedar - tables, chairs and more
Carter's Produce - zucchini, cucumbers, and other fresh veggies
Pampering by Lisa - bath/body products and homemade pet treats
Emmett Grove - tomatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, green beans, squash, and corn
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - baked goods
Sydney's Country Farm - green beans, italian peppers, purple hull peas, okra, lettuce, radishes, missouri pole beans
Stewart Lippman - birdhouse and other wooden items made from reclaimed lumber
Crafty Creations
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations 2009 Season
1004 Rock Road, DeSoto, Mo. (Parking lot behind St. Andrew’s Methodist Church)
I. The DeSoto Farmers’ Market will open for seasonal operation on May 9, 2009, and the last day of operation will be October 31, 2009.
II. The DeSoto Farmers’ Market will open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 12:00 p.m. Vendors must be set up by 7:45AM. No sales are permitted before the opening time or after the ending time. The market master will supervise opening and closing of the market.
III. The DeSoto Farmers’ Market will be located at St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church parking lot at 1004 Rock Road, DeSoto, MO 63020.
IV. The DeSoto Farmers’ Market is a smoke-free market.
V. If inclement weather occurs, the Market Master will make a determination as to whether or not the market will open.
A. If, due to rain, a vendor decides to leave prior to 10:00AM, the registration fee will either be refunded or credited for use at a future market day. If, after 10:00AM the vendor leaves, no refund or credit will be offered.
B. If inclement weather occurs before the market opens, call 636-208-8768 or 314-605-3290 to find out whether or not the market will be open for business.
VI. Producer-only rules and exceptions: All products displayed for sale must be produced by the vendors who sell them. Resale of any other items purchased by a vendor is not permitted.
A. Vendor: Defined as the actual producing individual, immediate family member, another
producer member of the market, or employee of the producing individual’s farm or
B. Local: Defined as produced within 50 miles from DeSoto, MO within the state of Missouri.
VII. Allowable products:
A. Fruits
1. Must be whole, uncut
B. Vegetables
1. Must be whole, uncut
C. Herbs
D. Flowers
E. Honey
F. Bedding plants
G. Baked goods (see approved list)
1. Uncut baked goods may be sampled by customers.
H. Jellies/Jams/Preserves
1. Jams and preserves may not be made with artificial sweeteners
I. Approved crafts (hand made by vendor)
J. Wine
K. Trees and bushes
L. Eggs
1. Eggs may be sold if the vendor has proper licensure. This includes a retail license and dealer’s license from the Missouri Department of Agriculture.
2. All crates used for transport and sell of eggs must be provided by the vendor. All crates must be new to avoid contamination of product.
3. Egg cartons must be labeled with date the eggs were packed.
4. Eggs must be candled and graded prior to sale.
5. Eggs must be transported and kept at proper refrigeration temperature, 45F.
M. Small animals and livestock
1. No cats or dogs
VIII. The Market Master will determine which products can and cannot be sold at the market. Display and sale of all products must conform to rules and regulations established by the Jefferson County Health Department.
IX. Participation: All persons intending to sell at the DeSoto Farmers’ Market must, prior to participation in the market, file a vendor application. Vendor must place a farmers’ market permit in their vehicle each week. Each vendor must call in reservations by Wednesday for the upcoming Saturday market. The vendor application requires the vendor to:
A. Verify that she/he/they are the actual producers of the specified items which they intend to sell
B. List business/farm name and contact information for farm/home/office
C. Be responsible for liability insurance
D. Agrees to DeSoto Farmers’ Market rules and regulations
X. Market Master: The Market Master is a volunteer position. The duties of this position are as follows.
A. Record attendance and keep a brief log of market events
B. Reserve assigned space
C. Monitor the customer parking situation and resolve conflict that may arise
D. Announce the opening and closing of the market with a bell or horn
E. Resolve minor disputes between vendors and between customers
F. Enforce market rules and report alleged violations, in writing, to the DeSoto Farmers’ Market
G. Act as a liaison between market vendors and the DeSoto Farmer’s Market Committee
H. Approve and book community space as available (see rule XV)
I. Convene producers at the market for brief meetings as necessary.
XI. Fees: Weekly fee of $5.00 is due each morning to the Market Master before the opening of the market. Fees are non-refundable.
XII. Cancellation Policy: Vendors who cancel later than noon on Friday will be required to pay the fee. Vendors will not be allowed future market space until payment is made.
XIII. External regulations: Vendors are responsible for compliance with applicable city, county, state, and federal regulations, such as (but not limited to):
A. Vendors are not required to obtain city business license.
B. Approval seal of Weights and Measures on all scales. Scale is not required. Items may be sold by the piece or bundle.
C. No pets allowed in vendor booths
XIV. Sales Tax: State, city and county sales tax must be collected. The current rate as of April 2009 is 7.350% on every non-food item and 4.35% on food items.
XV. Organic certification on claimed products as required
XVI. Liquor license is required to sell wine.
XVII. Vendors may sell eggs if they have proper licensure as specified above (Section V, Part L)
XVIII. Food safety, sanitation, health permits, and labeling requirements pertaining to the items for sale.
A. Pre-packaged items must be labeled with the following information:
1. List all ingredients in descending order
2. A statement that indicates the product was not inspected by the Jefferson County Health Department
3. Name and address of the vendor or person who manufactured the product
XIX. Signage:
A. Signs identifying the name and location of the vendor’s business must be posted before sales begin.
B. Signs, boards, tags, or labels listing prices of all products for sale must be posted prior to the beginning of sales.
C. Producers selling products they refer to as ‘organic’ must display a sign giving their organic grower’s certification and their certifying body, unless exempt from certification due to small scale of operation.
D. Producers should clearly separate and label organic and non-organic products in the same display.
E. Each vendor must have a sign at their table that indicates their products have not been inspected by the Jefferson County Health Department.
XX. Space and parking designation: Vendors must provide overhead protection and a table for their product.
All food products must be off the ground. The Market Master will determine space and parking designations. All vendor spaces will be 10’x10’.
1. All food vendors must have a tent. If no food is being sold, then the vendor does not need a tent.
2. If a vendor is selling non-food products, then products may be placed on the ground.
3. Food products may not be placed on the ground.
XXI. Cooking Demos: At the discretion of the DeSoto Farmers’ Market, temporary food service establishments may be allowed to serve food at the DeSoto Farmers’ Market under the conditions of the Jefferson County Food Ordinance. All menu items will be approved based on healthiness of the menu item.
XXII. Educational and community activities: 1 space will be made available free of charge for educational activities relating to sustainable agriculture or non-profit, health-related community groups. This space will be made available on a first-come, first-serve basis, but must be approved and booked with the Market Master in advance. GHD may have access to a booth during market hours when needed.
XXIII. Clean-up: Vendors must clean-up the area around their trucks and sales area before leaving the site each market day.
XXIV. Public Safety: Shade structures shall be secured to the ground via clearly marked blocks, sandbags, or other heavy objects in order to prevent damage to products and injury to others.
XXV. Market behavior: Vendors are independent entrepreneurs with a common stake in creating a vibrant marketplace. Activities which appear outside the range of normal sales practices can be respectfully questioned by other vendors. The Market Master will assist in finding a resolution. If this fails, the Market Committee will conduct a vote if requested. When a vote on an alleged ‘abnormal activity’ favors a change in a vendor’s practice, the vendor in question must comply. ‘Abnormal activities’ include but are not limited to:
A. Unsafe conditions or hazards in and around sales area.
B. A stand or display which impedes access to other vendors
C. Radical price-cutting of top quality products. Poor quality, or over-ripe, or canning quality products must be labeled as such and can then be sold at a discounted price.
D. Condition of sales area, products, or vendor behavior that detracts from the market’s appearance, overall quality, or reputation.
XXVI. Anyone not complying with these guidelines may be asked to leave the market.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Closed For Holiday Weekend
The farmers market committee hopes everyone has a safe, healthy and fun Labor Day weekend.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Meet Me at the Market - Sept. 19th

Tell all your friends and family to Meet You at the Market on Saturday, Sept. 19th. There will be a free Mayor's Breakfast starting at 7 am. After breakfast stroll through the market to check out our vendors selection. Be sure to bring the kids to take part in the 4-H sponsored kid activites or make a smoothie with Trailnet's Bike Blender! Also take part in our recycled goods contest to win fun prizes such as a can crusher donated by Hamel and Rowe.
Vendor Lineup for Saturday, 8/29
Cici’s Jewelry
Sydney’s Country Farm – green beans, peppers, grape jelly
Homemade Simple by Suz – bread and convenient mixes
Team Miller’s Homestead Produce – baked goods, soaps, and produce
Joyce McCartney – Homemade Quilts
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church – baked goods and produce
2 Debbie’s Crafts and More – produce, syrups, jams, and jellies
Harold Ray Underwood – wood crafted items
Pampering by Lisa
Carter’s Produce – squashes, cucumbers, and more
Crafty Creations
First Assembly of God – quilts
S & G Homemade Treats – baked goods
Margret Pillen - potatoes
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Vendors Saturday, 8/22
2 Debbie's Crafts & more - jams, jellies, produce, syrup, birdhouses and
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - produce and plants
*Pampering by Lisa - bath/body products and pet treats
Cutie Pies - mini pies, jams, jellies, and bread
Wood Unlimited - Cedar Arbors, Adirondack Chairs, chests and much more!
Crafty Creations - garden stone, produce, spices and plants
Harold Ray Underwood - Wood crafted items
Sydney's Country Farm - tomatoes, sweet banana peppers, Italian peppers, green beans and more!
*Featured Vendor
Vendor Spotlight for Saturday, 8/22
Name and Business – Lisa Lindley
Pampering by Lisa
Contact info: llindley2@juno.com
Website: www.thedoghouse.freehosting.net
Who are you? What do you sell? How and why did you get started?
I am a 21 yrs experienced MO licensed cosmetologist. I make housecalls for haircuts, perms, hair services, manicures, pedicures, facials, I service individuals, groups, adults, children, and inbound, disabled & elderly. I also make & sell homemade face & body scrub, oatmeal honey lip balm, dry shampoo for hair, kids bath gel & soaps, dog & cat shampoo’s dog & cat treats. And I am going to try some horse treats.
What do you like about selling at Farmers’ Markets?
Meeting new people and having people appreciate our items, chance to help our family,and be of service to others.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
August 8th Vendor Spotlight!
Vendor Spotlight Information Sheet
Name and Business –
Contact info: website: WWW.primroseherbs.com
Who are you? What do you sell? How and why did you get started?
SINCE 1994--- I am a Herbalist. I sell medicinal herbs, hand made lye soap, handmade craft products & etc. I have been involved in “homemade” “Natural” “re-use” “recycle” all my life, why? Why not!!!!
What do you like about selling at Farmers’ Markets?
Customers & vendors who like the same things I like.
August 8th Vendors!
2 Debbie's Crafts & more - jams, jellies, produce, syrup, birdhouses and
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - fresh baked items & plants
Pampering by Lisa - bath/body products and pet treats
Cutie Pies - mini pies
Wood Unlimited - Cedar Arbors, Adirondack Chairs, chests and much more!
Crafty Creations - garden stone, produce, spices and plants
Harold Ray Underwood - Wood crafted items
Sydney's Country Farm - beans, sweet banana peppers, Italian peppers and more!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Vendor Spotlight for August 1st!

Vendor Spotlight Information Sheet
Name and Business – Marsha Foster - Frogs Hair Baskets
Who are you? What do you sell? How and why did you get started?
Marsha Foster, a basket weaver and weaving teacher, has turned her
hobby into an opportunity to raise money for local charities. Marsha
makes all types of baskets – reed, waxed linen, ash, oak (depending on
availability) - as well as furniture. Marsha’s father was a weaver and
while he did not teach her to weave she does use his tools when
What do you like about selling at Farmers’ Markets?
I like meeting and greeting the shoppers. It is also an opportunity to
talk about the history of weaving. And at the end of the day, if any
baskets have been sold, the money I make from the sales is used to
help others.
August 1st Vendors and Tomato Fest !

Carter's Produce - fresh vegetables
Frogs Hair Baskets
Mama's Sweet Treats & Breads - fresh baked breads and rolls
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - fresh baked items & plants
Pampering by Lisa - bath/body products and pet treats
Lalk's Berry Farm - fresh picked blackberries
Barefoot Body & Soapworks - handcrafted soaps and lotions
Don Coke - fresh honey, including honeycombs and wooden creations
Cutie Pies - mini pies
Wood Unlimited - Cedar Arbors, Adirondack Chairs, chests and much more!
Crafty Creations - garden stone, produce, spices and plants
The Bug Doctor - unidentified creature in your garden? Bring the little
critter in to find out who's keeping you company in your garden.
Joyce McCartney - Quilted "Log Cabin" Style Afghans
Janet's Jewels - handcrafted jewelry
2 Debbie's Crafts & more - jams, jellies, produce, syrup, birdhouses and
Harold Ray Underwood - Wood crafted items
The Patchwork Attic - fruit jams and baked good items
Katie Payne - produce and baked items
Faye Newkirk - Produce
Get Healthy DeSoto
Sydney's Country Farm - beans, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet banana peppers,
Italian peppers and more!
Community Gardens - produce
Homemade Simple by Suz - breads, mixes, produce
Monday, July 27, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Vendor Spotlight ! Team Miller Homestead Produce

Team Miller Homestead Produce
Wendy Miller and family
Contact info: JessexCrew@aol.com
Who are you? What do you sell? How and why did you get started?
We are a home schooled family of six, who are hoping to use the market as a venue for learning about setting goals, perseverance, public speaking, management. & organization. We sell bread, honey, cookies, soap, jewelry, garden produce. Our children each have specific areas of responsibility & management, the market gives them the opportunity to experiment & experience the result of their management decisions in regards to these areas.
What do you like about selling at Farmers’ Markets?
We have met many wonderful people through participating in the market. It really generates a feeling of community.
Vendors for July 25!
Payne's Farm and Vineyard Gallery - fine oil paintings
Team Miller's Homestead Produce - breads, soaps, honey, and produce
Carter's Produce - fresh vegetables
Mama's Sweet Treats & Breads - fresh baked breads and rolls
Tom & Lynda Mills - corn, tomatoes, peppers and herbs
Darren Williams - tomatoes, peppers and flowers
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - fresh baked items & plants
Pampering by Lisa - bath/body products and pet treats
Lalk's Berry Farm - fresh picked blackberries
Emmett Grove - produce, jewelry and crafts
Barefoot Body & Soapworks - handcrafted soaps and lotions
Don Coke - fresh honey, including honeycombs and wooden creations
Wood Unlimited - Cedar Arbors, Adirondack Chairs, chests and much more!
Crafty Creations - garden stone, produce, spices and plants
The Bug Doctor - unidentified creature in your garden? Bring the little critter in to find out who's keeping you company in your garden
.Joanne Blind - birdhousesMargret Pillen - tomatoes, blackberries and quilts
Upcoming Events -August 1st - Tomato Fest - Water Fun, Antique Tractor Display, Food, Musicand more!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 18th Vendor Spotlight, Cutie Pies and vendor list.

Vendor Spotlight Information
Name and Business – Cutie Pies
Contact info: Joni Roland 573-450-5727
Who are you? What do you sell? How and why did you get started?
We sell mini pies, colossal cuties (giant cookies) canned cuties, (preserves, jams, & desserts) baked right into canning jars. I started Cutie Pies, to create a bonding experience with my 11 yr old daughter.
The market teaches my three children about healthy produce. It gets them excited about growing things in our own backyard. Cutie Pies teaches my daughter the rewarding feeling of hard work.
What do you like about selling at Farmers’ Markets?
Meeting the community & fresh foods!!!!!
Vendor List July 18th
Frogs Hair Basket - hand-woven baskets of reed and other materials
Sydney's Country Farm - Squash, cucumbers, zucchini, and various peppers
Team Miller's Homestead Produce - breads, soaps, honey, and produce
Lone Oak Organics - Fresh Herbs
Dan Coke - HoneyCarter's Produce - fresh vegetables
Mama's Sweet Treats & Breads - fresh baked breads and rolls
The Lamb's House - hand poured soy candles
St. Andrew's United Methodist Church - fresh baked items
Cici's Jewelry
Cutie Pies - this week's featured vendor
2 Debbie's Crafts & More - produce, jams, jellies, syrups, and more
Pampering by Lisa - bath/body products and pet treats
Lalk's Berry Farm - fresh picked blackberries
Emmett Grove - produce, jewelry and crafts
Barefoot Body & Soapworks - handcrafted soaps and lotions
Homegrown Garden Products - cucumbers, leeks, chard and other fresh veggies
Wood Unlimited - Cedar Arbors, Adirondack Chairs, chests and much more!
Crafty Creations - garden stone, produce, spices and plants
Upcoming Events -
July 25th - Bordeau Dance Studio - Dancers for Cancer - Family fun for all
with traditional dances ranging from the YMCA to the Hokey Pokey! Test your
hula hoop skills or go crazy with ribbons. You are sure to get moving with
Bordeau Dancers!
August 1st - Tomato Fest - Water Fun, Antique Tractor Display, Food, Music
and more!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Saturday, July 11th Market

Friday, June 19, 2009
June 20th Vendors!
- Sydney's Country Farm
- Payne's Farm and Vineyard
- Team Miller's Homestead Produce
- Mama's Sweet Treats
- Homemade -Simple by Suz
- Kottemann Nursery
- St. Andrew'sUnited Methodist Church
- Awesome Blossom Daylilies & Irises
- Cutie Pies
- Jewelry & Crafts by Roberts
- Needs More Farm
- Pampering by Lisa
- Carter's Produce
- Lalk's Berry Farm
- Loving Care Community Gardens
- Debra Wilson - locally published books
- Barefoot Body & Soapworks - handcrafted soaps, lotions, and potions
- Payton Horse Rides
Spotlight for June 20th Market!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Grand Opening Saturday JUNE 6th

The Farmers' Market Grand Opening is this Saturday, June 6th from 8-12 noon. Come and see over 20 vendors , kids activities, clowns, antique tractor show and much, much more. Click here for the flyer with directions and details! See you there. Don't forget to tell your friends neighbors and co-workers!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Get Ready! Farmers Market Starting this Saturday, May 9th!
Products - woven baskets & furniture of reed, pine needles, cane, seagrass, fabric, beads, wire, etc.
Dates - May 9, June 20, August 1, October 17
Jim Lambert -
Products - honey and as season progresses corn, beans, zucchini, tomatoes, herbs, honey, okra, peppers from home garden
Dates - May 9
Mama's Sweet Treats & Breads -
Products - homemade breads, cookies, and non-dairy cakes
Dates - Every Week
Team Miller's Homestead Produce - We are a homeschooling family seeking to develop business skills, social skills, and reach out to our community in both service and educational venues
Products - Garden produce, fruits, honey, breads, soaps, lip balms, crafted items, and wooden benches
Dates - May 9, May 23, June 6, July 17, July 25
Linda Sullivan -
Products - heirloom tomato plants, herbs, decorative grasses, perenials, etc.
Dates - May 9
Sydney's Country Farm -
Products - vegetable, herbs, and flower plants. Later in the season a range of vegetables from cucumbers, corn, tomatotes, beans, italian roasting peppers, etc. On farm sales of eggs.
Dates - May 9, June 6
Payne's Farm and Vineyard Gallery - We grow grapes and paint pictures
Products - fine art
Dates - May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19 and October 17
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Farmers Market Vendor Application

Interested in being a vendor for the DeSoto Farmers Market? Follow this link to download the application. Click here to download.